domingo, 24 de abril de 2016


READ THIS ARTICLE AND MAKE A SUMMARY.  "Technology´s benefits and possibilities"

Now, read the other side of the coin: Negative effects of technology
Finally, for those who want an extradosis of English, watch and listen this interesting video about how technology can benefit or harm the users Click here
Let's talk about technology. Prepare to lead the discussion using my questions and your own. 1. How has modern technology made life on earth better? 2. What are some of the most important inventions in history, in the last 50 years, in the last 10 years, and from your country? 3. Are there any negative things about technology? 4. Are we too dependent on technology? 5. Is it still important for people to learn primitive skills? If so, explain. 6. What is the relationship between human identity and technology? 7. How does technological development affect people's employment, both positively and negatively? 8. How do you feel about your government spending money on research? 9. What predictions can you make and what hopes do you have about the technology of the future?


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